Hospitality Trends 2019

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Hospitality Trends 2019

More than 75% of the population now lives in the city. And the trend of rural exodus is not ready to reverse. Being in town, in many cases, means having little access to green spaces, living in a small space or having no direct view of the


Hospitality Trends


Hospitality Trends 2019 # 2: Elegance of Crafts

In the new expectations of travelers, the return to the hand to all its importance. In a context of rejection of over-consumption and globalization, we are witnessing a rediscovery of craftsmanship bringing more poetry to consumption.

Hospitality Trends


Should I remove the tripadvisor account from my hotel?

Trip AdvisorYou do not have the time to manage your account on TripAdvisor and rather than suffer from bad moderation or negative reviews, you want to delete it? Is it reasonable to dispense with a platform that brings so many visitor flows?

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